How to Mod the Lepin or Lego Market Street Modular

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These last couple of weeks have been especially chilly so it was comforting just to laze around at home with a mug of hot chocolate and play with my fake Lego brick sets.  I've been wanting to modify my Lepin 15007 Market Street modular, so this was an opportune time to attack the project.

If you don't know what the Lepin Market Street modular building looks like, here it is.  It's an identical bootleg of the Lego Market Street modular model 10190.  If you want to see my past review of the Lepin Market Street modular you can find it here.

The changes I'm showing you today could be applied to either the Lepin clone or the Lego original modular.

My changes are focused primarily on the building itself and not the adjoining covered market stall.

You might know that I'm not a big fan of the Market Street design.  Specifically, I don't like the front facade with it's repetitive use of windows and doors.  I decided to blow out the staircase leading up to the front door.  I also had a spare bay window part and did a test fit on the main floor to see how it would look.

You might have noticed the little bike on top of the bay window.  My plan was to convert the Market Street building into a three storey bike shop. I will review each floor in more detail later in this post.

Here's what the building  looks today.  I've retained the original footprint of the building and the original colours on each of the three floors of the Market Street design.  I also kept intact the beige detail features on the first and second floors.

The overall height of the building hasn't changed too much.  I reduced the height of the raised foundation and increased the remainder of the floor heights, particularly on the third floor. I had to supplement some white and dark gray bricks because I didn't have enough dark blue and light blue bricks to use.

Credit goes out to for the idea of the Hub sign.  I found it while searching for Lego bike shop pictures on the internet.  Here's the link to their cool moc, the Lego HUB Bike Shop Cafe.

If you recall, the original Market Street design had bricked-in windows in the rear.  I added some windows on the first and second floor.

I might replace the first floor window with a door and add a winch to the second floor to hoist bikes up to the second floor.

I've got a small window and another full height window on the second floor which I can change to a door in future.

On the first floor, I removed the foundation windows and staircase.  The front door was relocated to the side instead of being in the centre in order to accommodate the new bay window.  I added some new steps leading up to the front door and planted some flowers under the bay window.  I retained the original awning and little windows over the front door.  

On the second floor, I added larger windows and the Hub sign on the front.  I toyed with idea of making the entire front all large windows but then changed my mind and decided to put in a smaller window with a flower box instead.

Here is one of the second floor designs I considered.  I might still attach the bike back onto the Hub sign.  Feel free to comment if you prefer the three large window design or the two large and one small window design.

I really liked the little third floor terrace that came with original Market Street design, but I had to get rid of it to accommodate my new studio apartment.  I've kept one of the arched windows and the original door gets replaced by a window.

The terrace is gone, so sad.

The rooftop is removable to access the third floor.

Now, lets look at the inside.   Here's the first floor.  It is dedicated to bike sales and there are a few on display.  I have a counter and computer display/cash.  I need to add some more bike accessories, like bike pumps, handle bars and baskets in future.  I should have added a customer mini figure to keep the clerk company.

Oh, I should mention that the original Market Street building had a staircase right in the middle of each floor.  I decided to move the stairs to the back of the building to allow more useable floor space.

In case you were wondering, the building is completely modular.  Here's all the separate floors and roof.

Here's the second floor interior.  This is where bike service is performed.

It's hard to see but there is a black bike frame on a hoist and the mini figure is drilling the frame.  There's a white bike that's propped up in the corner, ready for service.  I have a small cabinet and a tool rack that sits under the small window.  There is also a rack that holds two bike tires.  I will  add some more detailed pictures in future.

The third floor apartment consists of two rooms, the bathroom and the bedroom.

The bathroom gets it's own door, a toilet, toilet paper dispenser, a sink and shower stall.

The bedroom has a bed, a chair and a night table.  There was a table lamp, but I didn't attach it firmly enough and it fell out.  The only way to get it back in, is to dis-assemble the front facade.

One last look from above.

Here's a pic before I added the window box under the small second floor window.

Hope you have enjoyed this tour of my Lepin Market Street mod.  Thanks for looking!

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lepin 15007 market street



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